Dealing with people, whether you find them difficult people and demanding, or more pleasant people, it is important to understand an underlying human need for all of us.
Whether you work as part of a large corporation, small business, non-profit organization or as an individual consultant, it is important to have some understanding of what underlies the psychological needs of people. If you are the CEO, a manager, work colleague or employee, there is one psychological need we all have in common. Not being aware of this need is an enormous mistake in dealing with people and ultimately destroys relationships and productivity in the workplace.
In our consulting work with clients on dealing with people and particularly in dealing with difficult people, we repeatedly point out this mistake.
Here is the biggest mistake people make in working in teams and working with employees, colleagues and others.
It is not truly understanding and ignoring the real POWER OF TRUE RECOGNITION AND REAL APPRECIATION.
When you really and honestly show recognition and appreciation to other people, it can make people feel valued and inspires people to keep going when times are tough.
People achieve more and work together more productively when they feel like they are appreciated for what they do.
Having conducted workshops on human interaction with thousands of participants – we always talk about the appreciation of others. However, there are some participants who say, “People do not want to be thanked. The work they do and the payment they may receive is appreciation enough”.
Let’s get very clear on this. This is the most dangerous mistake you can make. Even when someone says that they do not want to be thanked – do not be fooled by this humble response.
Every human being wants to be valued and appreciated. Every manager, every employee, every work colleague and every person. The skill is in customizing the form of appreciation to fit the person. So find ways to value, appreciate and appreciate again.
Now to show our appreciation of you as one of our thousands of readers, please make sure to get your complimentary guide. Sign up with your first name and email address, and put in your question if you would like. You can then get instant access to your free Dealing with Difficult People Guide: 17 Ideas on Dealing with Difficult People.
hi judy, i could not agree more with your latest blog, thank you. it is so badly needed in all lines of home and work, and sadly not used often enough – i have suffered many times in the past, breaking my neck to please and help others only to be bullied, put down,ect, it is my belief that people would work better and feel better about themselves if people had a little respect for each other and said a simple thank you or even a smile, any method of small appreciation. it goes a long way.lets start treating others with respect and appreciation.:):)
I am finding your emails interesting and informative. These emails have also come at very opportune times and have proved to be very helpful.
Could you also include a work mate who attended the course as well and isn’t receiving these emails?
Thank you
I find this blog entry very agreeable. Many are the times when we overlook that simple “thank you” or that pat in the back that tells someone, “That was great”. In the end we find them being boisterous and rather difficult to deal with. The problem is not with them. It is with us. It is our not being people savvy that’s the problem. Thanks for the insight, Doc.
Thanks everyone for your comments and interesting points. Kay just let your workmate know to go to this website and sign up for the free report and regular tips on dealing with difficult people.