Dealing with Difficult People and Very Important Life Lessons for You

Dealing with Difficult People and Very Important Life Lessons for You

When managing difficult people and dealing with difficult people in your working or personal life, remember what Walt Whitman (1819-1892) said: Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you and disputed passage with you?


Walt was right about difficult people! It has not change even in the era of increased technology.

For sure, Walt Whitman makes a great point! It’s in dealing with difficult people that cross your path throughout your life that you have learned some of your most important life lessons. But at that time, such difficult people are frustrating, destructive and very distressing to you. But if you think about it, having survived the experience has made you stronger than before. Despite everything is has made you stronger even if it does not feel like it.

When you handle the difficult behavior of other people it surely teaches you, amongst numerous things a very powerful lesson…


Coping with difficult people and their behavior is not pleasant or easy. But do remember that you can learn so much through the experience. A negative can become a positive when you ask yourself

> What can I learn from the experience?

> What can I learn from the experience itself?

> What can I learn about interacting with this person?

> What can I learn about people in general?

By deciding to learn from the experience, you’ll gain and never lose when dealing with difficult people that you encounter in your life.

And there are more lessons and ideas for you to learn when you get instant access to my free downloadable Guide on Dealing with Difficult People by signing up to your right.

© Dr Judy Esmond. This article may be shared with others on the understanding that it remains intact and credit is given to the author and the website link is included.

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